New House!
So... we bought a house! I kinda figured this whole process would take months... but we're about done. We have the inspection on Saturday, and that's about it.
The house is in Villa Hills, KY (About 5 miles south of downtown Cincinnati). It's a 3 bed/2 bath ranch style, with a full finished basement (It's got a bar in the basement! Oh yeah =)... and the yard is huge, and has an above ground pool. The kitchen was JUST remodeled... got all brand new appliances. Villa Hills is a real nice area, low in crime, and it's just minutes from the city. We're excited. We're closing on March 14, and moving in shortly thereafter. Anybody who's interested can see pictures of the house here.
In other news... the weather here sucks. My 20 minute commute took over an hour and a half today thanks to the ice and slush. Spring needs to hurry the heck up