Yard Work
Laura and I spent the day yesterday doing yard work. She dug up the ground in our flower beds and planted flowers (There's probably an official name for that, but I don't know what it is, so I'm going to call it "dug up")... and I dug up the ground in all the bare spots in our yard and spread some grass seed around, hoping to fill them in... and I dug up an old dead rose bush
If any of you have never dug up an old rose bush, I recommend not trying it. I ended up with a hole 2 feet deep and almost 3 feet in diameter, digging through the ground/clay/rock/whatever the heck was down there... and I still couldn't get the damn thing out. We ended up just taking a saw and hacking the big root off 2 feet down. I'd like to think that it won't regrow, because it was "dead" to begin with... but I'm fully expecting it to regrow, just to taunt me.
My arms are killing me... programming doesn't exactly build up the upper body for digging holes. Hopefully it will all be worth it and we'll have a nice full lawn with no bare spots in it in a few weeks. *fingers crossed*